Ok, it’s confession time – or maybe confession isn’t the best word to use. It’s more of a declaration. women over 40

I’ve hinted at this VISION I downloaded on my 40th birthday…and I’m ready to spill the beans because:

1. this thing is bigger than me. 
2. I am so done with my old habit of beating around the bush because I’m afraid of what others think.

Here goes: It was like a flash of lightning that lights up a dark valley for a split second. I saw myself being a catalyst for healing, growth, wholeness, and enoughness for women in their 40s and beyond. 
one on one healing and coaching work, 
a podcast, 
and……. beyond.

It stunned me and humbled me. And suddenly my own journey made sense – the work I’ve done, the things I’ve studied, the gifts I have.

The Universe called – how can I say no?

I’m called to serve women and men who want to thrive in the next decade(s) of their life BUT
– they still feel tethered to their past, 
– they don’t know what they really want because they’ve spent so many years focusing on others, 
– they don’t even know where to really begin because they’ve tried all the stuff that hasn’t brought them any real transformation, only incremental progress.

The content of my work won’t change. I will continue to use the Akashic Records and intuitive coaching and healing to help women achieve real and lasting transformation from the inside out. I will continue to channel and paint art that commemorates their path and embodies their energy (that’s why I call my art SoulTattoo™).

I have more courage and conviction in how I show up in the world. It’s scary being this vulnerable but like I said, this thing is bigger than me.

There is A LOT of shitty advice out there for women and men in their 40s and beyond. Utter BS. And there are a ton of women looking for their inner power, their confidence, their wholeness, and enoughness. They are ready to thrive and they are ready to do the real work. Not the fluffy shit that so many personal development people, books, and programs offer. The fluff can do more harm than good.


You must show up for yourself and do the work that matters. It’s not the tools that have the power, it’s you who remembers your power by using the tools. You must clear what’s holding you back and you must stubbornly focus on what you want – and that’s the work that I am now stepping up to do. That’s why I believe in deep truth telling, owning your own greatness, taking responsibility, courage and willingness, and a fierce commitment to yourself.

…SO…if this resonates and you want to keep walking this journey with me, WOOHOOO! I’m so happy!

If not, I wish you so much love and thank you for all your support in the past.

What’s next?
Here’s who I’m looking for and if you or a woman you know is ready to thrive and make sure her future isn’t a carbon copy of her past, let’s chat about how I can serve you.

My ideal client is a professional, spiritual, creative person aged 40-55, ready to thrive & rediscover their identity as powerful, whole & enough. She/he knows they’re on a journey & that everything happens for a reason. She’s/he’s committed to breaking through the limiting patterns & emotional turmoil of their past.

The first part of her/his life was spent coping, working, taking care of others, having a family, being all things to all people, people pleasing, losing herself/hiimself in projects, work, relationships, running after a career, figuring out finances, trying to find herself, achieving, creating what she thought she/he wanted, wanting to feel grown up but not knowing how, feeling inadequate, questioning herself/himself, feeling unsettled.

Now she/he wants to 
– Heal the past and forgive so they can be free 
– Grow, feel peaceful, and feel settled and content 
– Stop running and settle into knowing herself/himself
– Slow down so she/he can grow and expand faster 
– Experience life instead of rushing through it


 Check out my FREE RESOURCES HERE and let’s connect.

Kasia Rachfall Thriving After 40, Akashic Records Kelowna BC Kasia Rachfall Thriving After 40, Akashic Records Kelowna BC

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Grab Kasia’s free audio course Feel Safe Feeling here to learn how to decode and release the difficult emotions that steal your joy, peace and happiness. It’s a shitty day emergency kit for your emotional triggers.

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