Is the Emotion You’re Feeling Yours?
What happens when you get accosted by an emotion that doesn’t feel good – a negative emotion? How do you know if that emotion is your own or if it’s something that you picked up from someone else. I recently experienced this and after chatting with others about it, I realized it happens all the […]
What’s worse than being afraid to say what you want?
So often women are afraid to really ask for what they want even though that’s the number one way to thrive in life. Not only that, we’re afraid to figure out what it is we want in the first place. It’s vulnerable and can be scary. It also creates a divide – people who support […]
What Are The Akashic Records?
Do you know what the Akashic Records are and how they can help you? The Records are the archive of your soul – where everything you’ve experienced, decided, chosen, and felt is recorded. They are also called the Soul Book or Soul Records and exist in the zero point field. For example, if you’re struggling […]
40 lessons for my 40th birthday
My big 4-0 birthday was a very surprising roller coaster of emotion. I never cared about age – and I still don’t really – but this number really threw me for a loop! All of a sudden I felt like I should be grown up and I went to that judgy place where I looked […]
How to survive turning 40
I’ll be honest, the fact that I’ll be 40 in 2 days has brought on a barrage of crazy emotions for me. And to be even more honest, the biggest emotion is judgement of myself and of where my life is right now compared to where I thought it would be OR should be. It […]
Getting Real about Coaching and Healing Work
I seldom rant. How about you? But recently I decided to get real about a topic that I’m super passionate about. And I got real on video! I was pretty passionate and spoke with…I’ll call it…emphasis and I’m certain a ruffled a bunch of feathers. Would you call that a rant? I see ranting more […]
3 Secrets to Success
Have you ever compared yourself to really successful women? You know, the ones who love themselves, accept their own flaws, ooze confidence and self trust, and whatever they choose to do turns out beautifully? I’ll be honest with you, I used to be so freaking jealous of those women! I was certain they knew something […]
How to build self trust
On a scale of 1 – 10, how much do you figure you trust yourself?(1= not at all, 10=completely) I’ll be honest, I used to be on the very bottom of that scale. Sometimes even on the negative side! And it’s because I used thing trust was a feeling. Sometimes I would have it and […]
Thrive without working so hard yourself
“I’m just so tired of the hard work! I just keep getting stuck on how much work it is to remember to let it all go. All these old tapes in my mind! I don’t want them anymore!” It was like an echo from my past. My client’s words expressed exactly how I used to […]