Is the Emotion You’re Feeling Yours?
What happens when you get accosted by an emotion that doesn’t feel good – a negative emotion? How do you know if that emotion is your own or if it’s something that you picked up from someone else. I recently experienced this and after chatting with others about it, I realized it happens all the […]
When Your Comfort Zone Becomes Uncomfortable
Has this ever happened to you? You’re living your life and you notice that you’re not as happy as you used to be. Or perhaps you’ve never really been very happy and you want to change something. And you realize that the life you’re living doesn’t reflect the person that you’re becoming or have become. […]
How to redefine your mindset to thrive
If happiness knocked on your door this morning or if it bumped into you on the street, would you recognize it? Would you know that that is the exact happiness that you’ve been looking for? Or the thriving? Or the wealth? Or the health? Or the relationship? I’m willing to bet that you wouldn’t recognize […]
The one thing you’re responsible for with negative emotions
Negative emotions don’t necessarily feel good but they are an important way that we express what’s going on inside us. We can’t necessarily be responsible for all the emotions that come up as we live life, but there is one thing we can take control of and that’s what I address in this week’s video […]
Bad advice for women over 40
There is a lot of pressure on women – and I get that some of it is self imposed, but some of it comes from society, family, work, friends, the media… When I turned 40 recently I found myself really struggling. I don’t know what exactly made me freak out but it had something to […]
What Is Self Love and How Do You Do It?
“What does self love mean? How do you do it? Spa treatments?” my client asked me once. If you’re not used to having a self love practice or are new to the idea of it, it can feel really mysterious and vast. First, let’s separate self love and pleasure. Loving yourself can lead to feelings […]
How to change body habits and thrive in your 40s and beyond
The brilliance of our unconscious mind and body relationship is that once it learns something we no longer need to think about how to do it, the motions become second nature. The same goes for thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Do you remember what it was like learning to tie your shoes? Or learning to drive? […]
How to know you’re free from pain from your past
Have you ever been asked a question that stopped you in your tracks and made you feel like the axis of your world just shifted? It made you reconsider everything and see things from a whole new perspective? It changed everything (or at least a lot of things) for you? I’m a huge fan of […]
The Vision of Thriving After 40
Ok, it’s confession time – or maybe confession isn’t the best word to use. It’s more of a declaration. women over 40 I’ve hinted at this VISION I downloaded on my 40th birthday…and I’m ready to spill the beans because: 1. this thing is bigger than me. 2. I am so done with my old habit […]
Why you can’t let go of limiting beliefs
When you discover that you have some block do you find it easy or difficult to let it go? In the past it’s been hard for me to release blocks for various reasons. I thought it had to be hard work and that I needed to learn the lessons of why it was there. So […]
How to survive turning 40
I’ll be honest, the fact that I’ll be 40 in 2 days has brought on a barrage of crazy emotions for me. And to be even more honest, the biggest emotion is judgement of myself and of where my life is right now compared to where I thought it would be OR should be. It […]