Akashic Records Tools for Bad Days
On a day when all the feels come up for air, my first go to is to check the energy of the day so I know what’s happening in the universe. My second go to are my Akashic Records so I can connect to my centre and soak up all the love that my Soul […]
Are the Akashic Records Expensive?
Is it expensive to read your own Akashic Records? It’s a matter of perspective. Do you like to talk about money? I never used to because A) I was taught it’s rude to talk about money and B) I had so many negative emotions tied up around money that I avoided the subject whenever I […]
Being Multipassionate Opens Opportunities
Have you heard of multi-passionates? Do you think you’re one? You know, a person who does more than one thing? Sometimes seen as someone who can’t stick to one thing – which is often frowned upon in our Western world. I had an epiphany about this and wanted to share it with you because it […]
How to redefine your mindset to thrive
If happiness knocked on your door this morning or if it bumped into you on the street, would you recognize it? Would you know that that is the exact happiness that you’ve been looking for? Or the thriving? Or the wealth? Or the health? Or the relationship? I’m willing to bet that you wouldn’t recognize […]
The one thing you’re responsible for with negative emotions
Negative emotions don’t necessarily feel good but they are an important way that we express what’s going on inside us. We can’t necessarily be responsible for all the emotions that come up as we live life, but there is one thing we can take control of and that’s what I address in this week’s video […]
Do this 1 thing to start thriving in your 40s and beyond
What keeps women from being truly happy, joyful, contented, and thriving in their life? I ponder these questions because I want to solve these puzzles and change the world – one woman at a time. Do you ponder these big questions? What keeps you from thriving? The truth is, it could be many things but […]
What Are The Akashic Records?
Do you know what the Akashic Records are and how they can help you? The Records are the archive of your soul – where everything you’ve experienced, decided, chosen, and felt is recorded. They are also called the Soul Book or Soul Records and exist in the zero point field. For example, if you’re struggling […]
How to change body habits and thrive in your 40s and beyond
The brilliance of our unconscious mind and body relationship is that once it learns something we no longer need to think about how to do it, the motions become second nature. The same goes for thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Do you remember what it was like learning to tie your shoes? Or learning to drive? […]
Why you can’t let go of limiting beliefs
When you discover that you have some block do you find it easy or difficult to let it go? In the past it’s been hard for me to release blocks for various reasons. I thought it had to be hard work and that I needed to learn the lessons of why it was there. So […]
Turning 40 with Grace
Turning 40 started to freak me out all of a sudden. Obviously I knew my birthday was going to happen but I didn’t expect to freak out about it. But I did. Did you freak out when you turned 40? Or maybe a friend of yours did? In my conversations lately, I’ve had people tell […]
3 Secrets to Success
Have you ever compared yourself to really successful women? You know, the ones who love themselves, accept their own flaws, ooze confidence and self trust, and whatever they choose to do turns out beautifully? I’ll be honest with you, I used to be so freaking jealous of those women! I was certain they knew something […]