The elephant in the room that blends with your walls
I have to tell you about this elephant in the room because it often blends so well with the wall colour that you forget it’s there. The truth is that the hard times in life make us reach for something more, something better, and they call on us to dig really deep inside and grow […]
Why things get worse before they get better
Have you ever noticed that when you start working on yourself, whether it’s something small or big, things seem to get worse before they get better? This isn’t an absolute rule by any stretch, but I’ve found both personally and working with clients that shit hits the fan before things level off again and you […]
The one thing you’re responsible for with negative emotions
Negative emotions don’t necessarily feel good but they are an important way that we express what’s going on inside us. We can’t necessarily be responsible for all the emotions that come up as we live life, but there is one thing we can take control of and that’s what I address in this week’s video […]
How to change body habits and thrive in your 40s and beyond
The brilliance of our unconscious mind and body relationship is that once it learns something we no longer need to think about how to do it, the motions become second nature. The same goes for thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Do you remember what it was like learning to tie your shoes? Or learning to drive? […]