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What Should I do? Will I be ok?

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What should I do? Is this a good choice? Will I be ok?

These are the questions that I get asked most often when I do Akashic Records readings. I’ve asked them in my own readings, too, waaay more than twice.

These are big, hard questions and we want to know the answers to them because those answers help us feel safe.

Here’s what I’ve learned about those answers – and it flips things on their head a bit.

We will always be ok – even when the outside world does not appear ok.

What does this mean?

Typically when we ask one of those questions we’re focusing on the external circumstances we want to change. If I make choice x, will everything I want work out for me? What about if I make choice y? Will I get what I want? (the job, the partner, the car, the vacation, etc)

Makes sense? We want to know about how our external world will shift in response to our choices.

The answer I receive each time from the Records, whether mine or my client’s, is that yes, the external world will shift and we will get what we need – this doesn’t mean it’s always what we want. In essence, we will be ok because we will learn, grow, and know ourselves better.

Each choice we make will bring us the opportunity to judge ourselves less and love ourselves more deeply and unconditionally – if we choose to.

This isn’t always what we want to hear because it doesn’t guarantee that we will succeed or change externally: get the job, get the relationship, get out of debt, etc. It does guarantee that there will be opportunity to change internally – and that’s what our Soul is here to do:

To experience all the emotions.
To make all kinds of choices.
To know what it’s like to judge and to love, to fall down and to stand up.
To play with creation.
To know confusion and to know clarity.
To become aware and refine those choices.
To have our human self trust ourselves more.

Even though this type of answer to those big, hard questions doesn’t guarantee that anything on the outside will change, it is the ultimate guarantee of our free will and autonomy to choose. We are always ok to choose.

Journaling Questions: Think of a choice you made where you didn’t receive the external success that you hoped for. How did you change/shift/grow on the inside? How did that choice bring you internal success and self trust? Can you be grateful for it now?

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Kasia Rachfall is an intuitive life coach, healer & artist who helps women in their 40s and beyond to beat the midlife funk and make sure their future is not a carbon copy of their past. Using alternative therapies (NLP, energy work, and Akashic Records work) her clients shift out of limiting beliefs & perceptions at the subconscious mind level so that the transformation sticks and they see results in how they feel, behave & achieve faster than they thought possible. 

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