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Stop Pretending Everything is Ok

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Dear Spiritual Seeker,


It’s really hard to pretend that everything is ok when it really isn’t. In fact, it steels not just your joy and your energy, but also your health. 


I get it, you love to take care of your people and your responsibilities.

Your integrity and dedication are important to you.

And you don’t want to let people down. 

So you keep showing up, doing your best, pushing through, and hiding behind that beautiful smile on your face.


But something’s not feeling right anymore, is it?

Even though you’re passionate about your work and love serving others, you don’t want to do all the things you’ve committed to.

Even though you’re eating clean and resting, you wake up tired and like you didn’t sleep at all.

Even though you meditate and try to take care of your energy you have less and less of it.

Your brain is foggy, you want to scream at your kids, you can’t handle noise or a lot of stimulation, and conversation often feels very hard. 


What is happening with you? Are you doing something wrong?

The answer is no. 

You’re never doing anything wrong. You’re simply not being true to yourself and your body is trying to tell you that. You might be able to fool your clients, your friends, and even your family, but your body won’t let you keep lying to yourself. It’s so wise and loves you so much, it will eventually force you to stop. Call it burn out, call it adrenal fatigue, call it a dark night of the Soul, whatever name you give it, it’s an invitation to honour yourself on a deep level. 


Can you avoid hitting this wall? 


It’s absolutely doable despite not always being easy. You can take back your energy and feel vibrant and joyful again, even if you don’t know where to start in this moment. 

The truth is, and you know this deep within you, that the best place to begin is by facing your own music:

Where have you not listened to your own body and your own intuition? 

What you have not admitted to yourself about what’s really going on with you mentally, emotionally, and physically? 


You can’t fully control your circumstances or the consequences of choices you’ve made in the past. You can control how you respond to your present moment and that’s where your power lies. 


Imagine yourself having that tough conversation where you speak your truth to your loved ones and tell the that you can’t keep going at this pace of responsibility. 


Imagine explaining to your children that the reason you’re always angry is because your body is stressed and your nervous system is not able to balance everything and so you explode out and it’s not about them, but it’s the only way you know how to deal with it right now.


Imagine being honest with your clients about your state of health and offering them a different service and working out a way that will help you serve their needs even better, while taking care of you at the same time. 


Imagine the relief you’ll feel after making some of these tough decisions and having some of these tough conversations, knowing that you were honest with yourself and you’re ready to really show up for yourself and fill your own cup so that you can serve from a place of vibrance, wholeness, and confidence in yourself. 


Imagine the seeds of compassion you will sow in your children, your loved ones, or your clients when you ask for their help to hold space for you and help you. When we share our stories of struggle from a place of honesty and truth and desire to transform, we open up to possibilities of being supported in ways we can’t even imagine. This isn’t about “poor me” and putting our burdens on others. It’s about living from a place of integrity and worthiness for our highest good and the highest good of all. When one of us stands up for kindness and love from the heart, we pave the way for others to do the same for themselves and for others.

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Kasia Rachfall is an intuitive life coach, healer & artist who helps women in their 40s and beyond to beat the midlife funk and make sure their future is not a carbon copy of their past. Using alternative therapies (NLP, energy work, and Akashic Records work) her clients shift out of limiting beliefs & perceptions at the subconscious mind level so that the transformation sticks and they see results in how they feel, behave & achieve faster than they thought possible. 

I have 30 minutes with your name on them. Schedule your free call with me today and find out that one thing holding you back. 

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