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How your belief systems impact your stress level

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Often times stress feels like a bunch of stuff coming at us:

This person needs something from you.
You have this obligation and that responsibility.
Your to do list is 8 miles long.
There’s not enough time in a day and not enough of you to go around.

Not to mention the unexpected challenges that life throws at us: maybe someone dies, or a relationship dissolves, or even happy events like getting married, moving or buying a house – all of these can bring on stress.

Even though there’s good stress and bad stress, it all feels overwhelming after a while. 

One of the reasons is the brilliant way in which our human body is designed. When something stressful happens – the proverbial sabre tooth tiger chasing the cave man – the cave man’s body goes into fight/flight response so that he can muster up the energy to run for safety. 

In our world we don’t have saber tooth tigers but our body still gets so overwhelmed with the hormones of stress and we don’t often chill out in between stresses. This state then compounds and we can’t relax even at night when we’re supposed to be sleeping and rejuvenating. Your mind keeps racing so you can’t sleep and they you’re stressed out because you can’t sleep and you need to get up in the morning and get the kids to school, the dog to the vet, yourself to work, etc. 

The reason I said that stress stems from belief systems is because, like it or not, we create our own reality. Now, trust me, when I first learned of this I thought it was the dumbest thing ever about being human. We contribute to everything that happens to us. To be honest, I was super angry at this revelation that I create my own reality because I wasn’t intentionally creating stress for myself! The women I worked with, the people I knew in my life – none of them were wanting to have all this stress in their life!

Have you ever felt that way about a Universal Truth when you first learned of it?

How did I contribute to my dad leaving when I was a teen? How did I contribute to the financial crap my husband and I went through when we were doing everything “right”? I couldn’t wrap my head around it until I dove deeper into neuroscience, metaphysics and Universal Laws and I realized that a lot of this is unconscious and it depends on our vibration – and our vibration is dictated by what we believe and how we feel. 

Where do our beliefs come from? 
From our past. 
The family you were born into.
The country you were born in. 
The journey your family has taken.
How you were treated as a child and even pre-birth.
Who your parents were and where your family comes from. 
Who you were in past lives and your entire epigenetic history.

All these things converge into this little ziplock baggie of Universe that is you in this physical body. 

In an Akashic Records reading I did for a client I was given this metaphor that made us both laugh and also illustrated the nature of our existence. In the book Many Lives Many Masters, Brian Weiss states that only a portion of our Soul incarnates into the physical body. Others have also stated this is how our Soul exists. The greater part of it remains in Source/God/Universe whatever you choose to call it. Imagine that you, the physical human being, are a like a puppet that fits on the hand of your Soul.

So, in essence, we’re like a puppet who gets bombarded by the beliefs and actions of people who are usually well meaning. These people try to keep us safe, teach us about how society works, etc. Sometimes we are also influenced by crappy people, unfortunately. We end up with this jumble or belief systems that often times don’t work for us.

We create our reality by this jumble of belief systems and how we feel about ourselves. Now, this has nothing to do with it being our fault – rather it has everything to do with responsibility. What caused me to be so mad about my reality was confusing fault and responsibility. I would chronically blame myself and believed that if I’m creating all this challenge and strife in my life that must mean there is something wrong with me and it’s my fault. I believed that I wasn’t good enough to figure out how to change this.

Of course, none of that is true.

It’s not our fault that things happen to us but it is our responsibility to do something about it and how we respond to our reality. Once I learned this it became easier to shift out of the blaming and anger and into taking responsibility which meant I had my power in hand to create change. When I understood this distinction I was opened up to new opportunities and was led to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy and the Akashic Records so that I could help myself and help others. 

What I love is now I can help identify the belief system(s) that is causing the stress in your life: what is the underlying vibration that you have and what emotions are wrapped around it all that keeps you reinforcing the stress and challenge. Once we identify it we can clear it so that you can then create more consciously in your life and replace those old beliefs with beliefs that serve you. It becomes much easier to feel safe and settled in our life when we aren’t operating from a bunch of belief systems most of which we had no control over receiving and learning. 

Stress, at its core, is caused by belief systems.

For example, if you’re a mother and you believe that you have to put everyone first, and you think you’re doing all the right things and you give everything to the people around you that you love more than anything in the world, but you never give anything to yourself. This is a belief system that can lead to burnout and illness. Whether you believe that you’re not worthy or that you don’t have the time, you’re never going to take care of yourself and at some point you won’t be able to take care of others either.

If you can replace the limiting belief system with a more empowered one where you know you deserve to take care of yourself as much as you take care of others, you will have more balance and less overwhelm in your life. You will behave differently and have time for yourself, you will empower your children and your spouse to take care of themselves as well.

This doesn’t mean you love them any less, it simply means you all work from the source of your power – your subconscious mind where all your belief systems live – rather than from a place of unconscious default. You will have less stress as a result. 

We as human beings are brilliantly designed except that so many of us have really shitty programming and this causes our stress and burnout. 

If you’re dealing with stress and overwhelm then ask for help. We can zero in on what belief system is at the core of these patterns that aren’t serving you, release them, and bring in supportive and empowering belief systems. There are alternative forms of therapy and healing, such as Time Line Therapy, where you don’t have to relive your past and re-traumatize yourself to let that shit go. You can simply release it and then create more easily from a place of power. 

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How belief systems impact your stress level | Kasia Rachfall Thriving After 40, Akashic Records Kelowna BC How belief systems impact your stress level | Kasia Rachfall Thriving After 40, Akashic Records Kelowna BC

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Kasia Rachfall is an intuitive life coach, healer & artist who helps women in their 40s and beyond to beat the midlife funk and make sure their future is not a carbon copy of their past. Using alternative therapies (NLP, energy work, and Akashic Records work) her clients shift out of limiting beliefs & perceptions at the subconscious mind level so that the transformation sticks and they see results in how they feel, behave & achieve faster than they thought possible. 

Check out Kasia’s free resources. 

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