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How to ground mental energy as a spiritual entrepreneur

When you feel your mind spinning or moving at supersonic speeds, what can you do?

As a spiritual entrepreneur with big things to do in the world, how do you reign your mind in and ground that energy into some aligned action?

This is the perfect opportunity to practice emotional mastery and self leadership.

First, notice what you’re thinking and then notice what you’re feeling as you’re thinking those thoughts.

Ask yourself:

  • Where do I feel those emotions in my body?
  • What sensations do they bring up?
  • What story does my mind want to tell me bout those emotions?

Your mind’s job is to analyze and make sense of whatever is going on, and it’s this focus on analysis that tends to keep it buzzing and spinning.

Next time your mind feels noisy when you’re emotional, simply stay with the sensations in your body and allow yourself the space to feel them without judgment and without trying to change them. This focus on your body will shift the molecules of emotion that your brain sends out and the emotion will dissipate faster.

As you notice your emotions shift and dissolve, hold your mind and your emotional self in compassion and peace.

Emotional mastery is a practice and it takes consistency and patience with yourself. Give these tips a try and let me know what you experience.

Kasia Rachfall is a numerologist, Akashic Records Teacher, Energy Kinesiologist, and mentor for spiritual entrepreneurs who are ready to receive Sacred Fame for their work in the world. For Kasia’s free resources click here.