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Feel More Ease & Less Overwhelm by Hitting Pause

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It’s ok to hit pause on things when you’re overwhelmed and unsure.

Wouldn’t it be better to spend some time to get clear than to keep pushing forward and getting more overwhelmed?

What’s stopping you from taking a pause and getting clear?

For me this was a fear of not doing enough. 
If I’m spending time pausing and getting clear then I’m not doing, so won’t I get behind? Won’t I miss out?


Taking time to pause and get clear helps prioritize and weed out what’s no longer right for us. 
It helps to redirect our energy towards what we want. 
It sends a clear signal to the Universe that we trust. 
It allows the Universe to support us even more.

Tell me, do you allow yourself to pause?
If not, what are you worried about? Start with your thoughts and emotions and see what beliefs they’re pointing to about success, productivity, and thriving. 

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Kasia Rachfall is an intuitive life coach, healer & artist who helps women in their 40s and beyond to beat the midlife funk and make sure their future is not a carbon copy of their past. Using alternative therapies (NLP, energy work, and Akashic Records work) her clients shift out of limiting beliefs & perceptions at the subconscious mind level so that the transformation sticks and they see results in how they feel, behave & achieve faster than they thought possible. 

Check out Kasia’s free resources here.

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