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Kasia Rachfall is a coach to spiritual entrepreneurs who desire sacred fame.


The numbers in your birthdate hold the code to your personality, Soul and life purposes and your life path. You can understand your personal patterns more fully and make sense of yourself, your experiences, desires, and relationships. I offer 3 kinds of numerology sessions:


This blueprint focuses on who you are at the core and what your personal patterns and energy influences are. You get to peel back the layers of who you learned to be and remember your own wholeness, brilliance, and light. 


This report focuses on either:

Your own Soul Purpose Agreement in this lifetime;

Your Soul Aligned Client Agreement ; or The Soul Agreement(s) you have with others that you are in personal or professional relationships with.


In this report we map out the 7 opportunity windows that you have each year and the energy that will be influencing your year. You uncover your main lesson, challenge, blessing and accountability for the year.

Shelly Petersen

I just had a Numerology Divine Blueprint Session with Kasia and it was so incredible. It's truly the first time anybody has ever made these numbers make sense to me and the way the different numbers are connecting and interacting in my life - all of my confusion and distress for life and business of the last couple of months feels like it has lifted - I feel free of the fog in just 1 hour - absolutely incredible! I highly recommend working with Kasia!

~Shelly Petersen

Anne-Sophie Dumetz

Kasia offers the kind of work that's both practical and enlightening. She shows up fully to serve her clients, with lots of heart, savvy, soul and strategy. Kasia is an experienced, skilled energy healer, tapped in intuitive and akashic record reader -- her insights and the space she holds are real, and supportive. I also recently received a numerology report from her that was more insightful and on point that others received in the past. She's trustworthy and honest. If you feel a connection and inspired to book with Kasia, i highly recommend you jump it, it's 100% worth it. ~ Anne-Sophie Dumetz

Joy Kingsborough

There are moments when doubt creeps into all of us. I was having a moment of doubt a few weeks ago and reached out to Kasia for support. I hoped to uncover the cause and clear it and trust myself to move forward. The session was amazing! Not only did I receive powerful insights about why I was feeling the way I felt, I was able to release the thoughts around it right away. I love that Kasia sees her clients as already whole and supports the remembering of that at a cellular level. I highly recommend her to anyone who feels held back by negative thoughts or patterns. She is so gentle, but so direct! ~Joy Kingsborough