* Know your life path and purpose

* Increase your capacity for joy and creativity

* Trust your actions to reach your dreams

Access Your Joy, Creativity and Success Codes In Your Birthdate

Your date of birth clarifies so much about you: who you are and why you’re here and even how you’re here to serve. 

Using a system of ancient numerology that pre-dates Egypt, we decode your personality archetype and unique life path. The numbers show you your specific life lessons and growth experiences to master through the 7 windows of opportunity you receive in your life. These windows include communication, connection, action, receiving, accountability, reflection and integration.

Imagine Knowing

  • your main Soul focus and purpose in your life,
  • your life’s message, contribution and gifts,
  • exactly who you are here to serve and how, 
  • how to balance your karmic relationships and lessons and how to navigate challenges.


All Sessions follow this Client Agreement

Schedule Your Reading:

Readings are $155 for 60 min.

Note: For international clients, you will be redirected to Kasia’s calendar to schedule your reading upon completion of your payment. 

Unlock the lessons, purpose, creativity, success and abundance codes in your birthdate.



Most frequent questions and answers

Numerology is the study of the energy of numbers. Just like we can forecast weather or stock market patterns, we can use the codes and frequencies of numbers to decode aspects of your personality, your life lessons, relationships, purposes, and Soul Agreements. 

Kasia works with Pythagorean and Quantum Numerology for a complete perspective on who you are and why your Soul chose this body and this life. 

You can choose between a Personal Annual Energy Forecast or a Life Path Reading. 

  • The reading takes place via Zoom.
  • The reading is fully recorded for your convenience so can listen to it over the years to come. You are also welcome to record it on your end using your device as sometimes technology does have glitches.
  • Readings are approximately 60 minutes and are $155. 

We begin by opening your Akashic Records and asking the questions you want answers to. I open the Records using the Akashic Being Key and your name as it appears in your legal documents or the nickname that you regularly use in your daily life. The sound vibration of your name is what ensures we receive information about you.

I receive the information via thoughts, feelings and images. I translate and speak what I hear, feel and see to you. You sit in the energy of the Records with me and ask the questions and receive answers in real time.

You may experience the energy of the Akashic Records in a visceral way in your physical body or you may not feel it at all. If you have any questions about the process during the session, please ask me.

  • Connect to your body and make sure you have an extra glass of water and are well hydrated.
  • A few minutes before your session, ground yourself and take some deep, conscious breaths.
  • Be open and ready to receive validation about the deep intuitive knowing you have about who you are.
  • You may record your session for future reference and so that you’re not distracted by note taking.
  • Remain focused on what you want and remember it’s always your choice to act or not act on the information you receive.
  • A session may be rescheduled with 24 hours notice subject to my availability.
  • If you do not show up for your session at all or give less than 24 hour notice via email or text to me, your session is forfeit.
  • Missed sessions with no notice of at least 24 hours are subject to full payment of the session.
  • If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment time and do not pay the fee, you will not be able to book another appointment with me until your fee is paid.
  • Once a reading or energy healing session has begun, there are no refunds.
  • No refund will be issued when appointments are canceled with less than 24 hours notice.
  • If you show up late and miss a portion of your session, that time is forfeit. Your session time will not be extended as this disrupts the sessions of other clients. 
  • If I miss one of our scheduled sessions with less than 24 hours notice, that session may be rescheduled and you will receive an extra session as compensation.
  • By purchasing this product/service you agree to this Disclaimer, this Terms & Conditions and this Client Agreement and Contract

Ready to book your session?