How do you manifest what you want? Akashic Records
This is a loaded question, isn’t it? There are so many books already written on the topic. Films. Courses. Opinions.
Does manifestation even work?
The Akashic Records say that the short answer is yes it does work constantly and consistently.
Ok, so why are you not receiving what you want when you want it?
Let’s look at the long answer.
Manifesting is the process of perceiving something into your physical reality and it’s based on the frequencies of what you want and who you are.
Simply put, here is what it actually takes to manifest your desire:
Being willing to believe that you can have what you want
- Knowing what you want with absolute clarity
- Embodying the version of you that already has the outcome you want
- Showing up as embodied in that version of you as you can be as consistently as possible
- Taking right action – not just busy work
- Knowing how to handle obstacles as they come up – because they will – and understanding that obstacles mean you are on track (more on that below).
Manifestation is simple but not always easy because as humans we’re wired for the familiar and we resist change, even if we really want something different.
If what you want is comprised of a different frequency than you are consistently putting out into the universe, you’ll keep missing it from your current reality and keep reinforcing the frequencies of what is currently present in your current reality.
In other words, if you want to earn $100K a year but you keep showing up as the $40K version of yourself, you’ll keep missing the mark.
You don’t need to know the exact hertz frequency of the thing you want, only a very clear and embodied knowing of who you are when you have the thing you want.
This means having the habits, mental and emotional states of being, thoughts and conversations that you will have when you have what you want. It also means taking the actions and making the decisions and choices of the version of you who already has what the current you wants.
The Manifesting process does require focus and an energetic investment from you. It’s not enough to simply feel good or think about how nice it will be to have what you want while going about your days being the same person you’ve always been.
Manifesting doesn’t mean you have to become someone you’re not. You do need to embody the version of YOU who has the things and experiences you want, not what someone else wants. Manifesting is about BEing so much more than DOing and yet doing is also important.
Let’s say your goal is to earn $100,000 per year by serving your clients with your intuitive gifts and currently you are earning $40,000. The habits, decisions, emotions, thoughts, and conversations the current version of you has are those of the $40K per year version of you.
Ask yourself, if you already were earning $100K per year, what would your habits, thoughts etc be? You may not know all the answers from your current state of being at $40K, but this is where your imagination and modeling skills come into play.
When you imagine who you might be as a $100K earner and you lean into thinking as that version of you thinks, feeling as that version of you feels, deciding as that version of you decides, do what that version of you does, you begin to embody the frequency of the $100k version of you.
For example, if earning $100K a year would
- Give you more satisfaction, freedom, happiness, etc, then do you endeavor to feel those things already?
- Allow you to take more vacations, then are you planning those vacations already (without attachment to when they happen) or complaining that you can’t take them?
- Let you be debt free and building your savings, how empowered would you feel and are you leaning into that feeling or focusing your energy on worrying about how to pay your bills?
- Mean you would focus on the most important needle-moving actions each day, are you aware of what those actions are and doing them now? Or are you filling your time with busy work and doing things that keep you distracted and hiding?
- Allow you to relax knowing the money is a given and it’s always there when you want it, are you living from that place of trusting your wealth and abundance, or constantly freaking out that you don’t have enough?
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Modeling is a great way to lean into embodying the version of you who already has the outcome you want. Do you already know someone who earns $100K in your industry? You may not know them directly but perhaps you know of them or you follow their work. You can use your deduction to discern how they think, how they spend their time, what decisions they make, what actions they consistently take, etc and model that way of being. If you know them, perhaps you can have a conversation with them and ask them about their habits, thoughts, emotions, decisions, etc. Again, not to become them but to become the version of you who embodies the $100K state of being that is authentic to you.
This is why Manifesting is a process, it can take time to lean into that version of you and consistently keep showing up that way no matter what stands in your way. The process is a consistent leaning into and pivoting towards the version of you who already has what you want.
It can get boring and mundane to keep doing this day in and day out until you begin to see results of your $100K.
Leaning in this way is also a guarantee that your “stuff” will come up. And by stuff I mean blocks, resistance, limiting beliefs, difficult emotions such as fear and doubt and others. And there’s a very good reason for this: because the version of you who earns $100K a year will not have these inside you. That version of you will still have challenges and limitations, but not these ones. These ones must come up to be healed, broken through, transmuted and overcome and when they do come up it means you know you’re on the right track!
That’s the annoyingly exciting part of the manifestation process! Blocks and limitations aren’t meant to stop you, they are evidence that you’re changing frequencies.
Other evidence that you’re on track is likely going to be changing relationships: the people who you currently know as a $40K earner may not rise in frequency with you and may even feel threatened by you becoming the $100K version of you. You get to decide what’s most important to you: keeping those old relationships or letting people go, creating boundaries around relationships and opening up to new relationships coming your way.
There is no right or wrong answer and you get to decide what works for you.
This is why it’s been said that you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most. If you all of a sudden began surrounding yourself with friends and colleagues who all earn $100K and are happy, fulfilled and inspired to serve as their authentic selves, how do you think your state of being would shift?
If you are surrounded by people who have the $40K or $60K state of being, the habits, thoughts, and conversations, you are more likely to embody their frequency.
This isn’t a judgment, it’s simply physics. You get to choose how you show up every day and who you surround yourself with consistently.
Manifestation is not a race but sometimes it can be a lonely road. You simply get to choose what’s most important to you and whether you’re willing to have what you want no matter what changes in your life.
Manifestation is more dependent on what’s at your subconscious level than what you consciously think because it’s your subconscious mind that runs your habits, thoughts, emotions, and to a great extent, your action.
The good news is you’re never alone in the manifestation process and you can shift your subconscious mind and reprogram it to have it work towards what you want instead of against you to reinforce old ways of being. You can also find and connect with a community of people who are consciously manifesting what they want instead of living by default of their programming.
I have two main and favorite tools to help me move through the resistances and challenges that come up on the manifestation path and I’m happy to share them with you.
The first one is radical honesty with myself. Am I truly leaning into the version of myself that has what I already want? Or am I defaulting to old ways of showing up?
The second is my connection to my highest wisdom through the Akashic Records, which are the living vibrational archive of the universe. It’s a quantum field of information where everything in existence is coded, including the guidance, history, wisdom and potential of each human soul. This is an important tool because as a human being, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the daily nitty gritty of life and lose sight of your connection to the greater purpose and experience of life.
When challenges and blocks come up and we feel off track, lost, and swept up in it all, it’s important to have a way to connect to your Soul wisdom and receive perspective on what’s important, who you are and why you’re here. As mentioned above, challenges are a sign that you’re on track and it’s great to know why they’re showing up and what you’re meant to learn through them!
The Akashic Records plug you into the wisdom of your Soul and of Universal Consciousness and help illuminate the truth about challenges, about how it’s possible to overcome them, and how to get back on track feeling confident and trusting yourself to achieve what you want.
You can connect to your Akashic Records with ease and there are many different ways of doing it. I teach the Akashic Being Key Method in the How To Read Your Own Akashic Records and Chart Your Purposes Training. Curious? Find out more HERE.
Hello, I’m Kasia Rachfall. A journey marked by transformation fuels my passion to help others find their way. As a healer, coach, and intuitive guide, I’ve walked the path of healing from darkness to light. My mission is to empower individuals to trust their intuition, make confident decisions, and unapologetically be themselves. With a blend of science and spirituality, and a toolkit of diverse modalities, I’m here to help you uncover your innate power and embrace your worthiness. Learn more about working together HERE.