When you discover that you have some block do you find it easy or difficult to let it go? In the past it’s been hard for me to release blocks for various reasons. I thought it had to be hard work and that I needed to learn the lessons of why it was there. So one thing that made it difficult for me was not giving myself permission to release it. Does that sound familiar?
So how do you give yourself permission to release blocks?
The question I want to address first is why we feel we need to know the lesson of any block we have? What does it give us to know why the block is there? I believe knowing the why gives us the permission we think we need to release it. If we can know why we have a certain struggle or pattern or limiting belief we might think that knowing its purpose will make it easier to let go and become the woman who then has, does, and experiences life without that block. Is that true? In some cases yes, in others, no.
Just because we release a mental or emotional block does not guarantee that we will behave any differently if we choose not to.
What if you gave yourself permission without needing to know the story?
What if you simply chose to be that woman who does, has, and experiences life without that block? I guarantee you that the lesson would become clear eventually but at least you wouldn’t be wasting time waiting for it.
Watch my 5:21 min video to dive more into this question and learn more about how to make that choice to give yourself permission.